Stage 1: Sediment Filter 5 µ Sediment Filter Removes Bactria, dirt, sediments, sand, and other suspended physical particles. Stage 2: Granular Activated Carbon Granular Activated Carbon Reduces chemicals such as chlorine, and other volatile organics from the water. The removal of chlorine improves the taste and odor of the water and maintains the integrity of the membrane.
Moumkin .rahom ytbahro w ynachto m3a rashom .bsahthom w allah ydawmha sa3a.ana rani ma9houra f lghorba makrhtch nhawd lmaghrib .mais rani mtab3a dorouf rajli 3ando chi machakil.hata l akh diali adi ydir l3ars f had semana w l3aela kolha mjtam3a .ta3rfo min nasma3 ftelefon dHk w nachat music .kant9har w nab9a ghi nkhaman.hata rajli gali ila bghiti tamchi siri ila ma3andk galb.basah man9dch ...